These Paintings ....

Okay, I have to say it, I just love this painting for the month of January 2024!  As I wrote in my monthly descriptions within the calendar back cover (like I do every year) the simplicity of this watercolor just draws me in to a feeling of peace and new beginnings.  What a terrific way to start the New Year.

Also, what I have mentioned above, simulates what is transpiring in my life in 2024.  A part time role that I have been moving through since February of 2020 known as Estate Planning Paralegal, is coming to end sometime in June of 2024.  I am looking forward to getting back to my practice of painting every day, vibrating with new ideas and moving forward at the same time.  With that being said, I hope if you have a Facebook, Instagram and or Pinterest account you will take time to view my pages. I'm always learning something new there as well.

In closing, thank you all who have already ordered your calendars for 2024.  And if you need a gift that keeps on giving throughout the year, the calendar is definitely it!  Plus, don't forget prints are always available of the paintings used in the calendars, minus the text, unless of course you want that.  My understanding of customer service is giving you the client what they want.  And if you do not see something that your creative mind is looking for, let's talk and see what can happen. 

Great holiday spirit, stay safe and it was 29' when I woke up.  I thought we got those temps in February!?!   Anyway, big hug and keep in touch ....  Wendy 

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